Sunday, June 14, 2015

Minimalism: Day One

A concept that has captured my interest lately has been minimalism. This is an emerging lifestyle that has not gone mainstream, but has slowly gained momentum. There are many forms of minimalist lifestyles from extreme cases to adjusting the lifestyle to fit each person's lifestyle.

There have been a lot of people involved in this movement, but most recently, Joshua Becker, Francine Jay, and Marie Kondo. These people have different views of how to start living the minimalist lifestyle.

In recent months, Marie Kondo's book, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing," has gained popularity in the United States. In addition to being on the New York Times Best Sellers list, many bloggers and "vloggers" have been raving about the concept that she discusses in her book. The book has been discussed on talk shows and newspapers. Plus, my best friend loved it so I obviously had to pick up a copy. I just started reading it at the end of my first day of discarding/donating/organizing. So far, I love the concept of the book. It discusses the importance of discarding unneeded items and why it is important to do your purge in a short period of time.

Back to my purging, I took trash bags and went through everything in my apartment. I divided everything by type. At the same time, I have been laundering all my clothing. The first "real purge" I did yesterday was my shoes. I ended up getting rid of at least 80% of my shoes. Next, I am going through my clothing to prep for my friend and I's visit to a store to sell our gently-used clothing. Hopefully, we can sell a few of our clothing pieces. I also have a bin for donations (which I will be using for tax deductible purposes.)

So far, I can feel quite the difference and  I have not made it past my bedroom! I am excited to see what I can do with the rest of my apartment. I am a little worried about my bookshelf though... that is going to be difficult. And I am going to actually use my fabric instead of getting rid of it and donate it somewhere. Hopefully, I will figure everything out, but I can feel the myself changing the way I think even after day one.

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